Launch a learning product

Our tried and tested process will guide your team from exploring ideas, through design and development, to product launch. It can be adapted to suit different projects, big or small.

We have a range of packages available and can adapt our services to your budget and needs.

Online and blended learning courses

Quick launch: We convert your existing content – blogs, handbooks, old training videos – into a shiny new online course and launch within weeks. Sell your course to generate a new income stream or use it as a marketing tool to build brand ambassadors.

 We conduct a full learning needs analysis followed by a comprehensive design and development process to create a bespoke online learning programme. E.g. staff training, apprenticeship programmes, new qualifications, and online degrees.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Training sessions, educational hospitality and special events

Quick launch: We convert your existing face-to-face activities onto online, hybrid or digitally-enhanced experiences, by incorporating digital learning technologies and adjusting formats to suit different contexts.

: We take inspiration from your brand or theme to design an immersive onsite, hybrid, or virtual workshop or activity. You can then incorporate your new products into your recruitment or talent programme, or combine with hospitality to create corporate or tourist experiences.

Activity packs

Quick launch: We create digital and printable instructional resources, such as video tutorials and step-by-step illustrated guides that can be downloaded online or accessed via QR codes on your packaging or promotional materials.

: We channel your expertise to design branded activity kits, for games, strategic challenges, skill development, or craft projects. We develop engaging online content and premium printed instructional materials to facilitate learning at home, work or even on holiday. You could sell the packs online, take them to promotional events, or gift them to clients or competition winners.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Expedition: Learn

Perhaps you have the appetite for innovation but don't know where to start. The exploration and discovery process of developing new learning products can be a fantastic teambuilding and professional development opportunity in itself.

We can coach your team as you embark on an exciting collaborative journey. Our interactive workshops will help you to deep dive into your brand story and context, discovering treasures of untapped potential. Our creative process will then help you to develop learning product ideas from concept through to launch.

Not sure? Need advice?

All of our packages tailor support to your business context, but if your project doesn’t fit the package types described above, get in touch and we can explore other options with you.